2023’s ultimate guide to diy nail polish

2023’s Ultimate Guide to DIY Nail Polish

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2023’s Ultimate Guide to DIY Nail Polish

DIY Nail Polish – a Girl’s Best Friend..

Nail polish is a staple in many people’s beauty routines, but store-bought nail polish can be expensive and full of chemicals. However, with a few common household items, you can make your own DIY nail polish at home. In this article, we will go over a step-by-step guide on how to make your own DIY nail polish using common household food stuffs.

Materials Needed:

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  • Clear nail polish
  • Food colouring or eyeshadow
  • Glitter (optional)
  • Toothpick or skewer
  • Small funnel
  • Mixing bowl
  • Measuring spoon
  • Paper towels

Step 1: Choose your clear nail polish or make your own (see below)

The first step in making your own nail polish is choosing a clear nail polish as the base. You can use any brand or type of clear nail polish that you have on hand. If you don’t have clear nail polish, you can purchase it at your local drugstore or beauty supply store.


Step 2: Choose your DIY nail polish colour

The next step is to choose the colour you want for your nail polish. You can use food colouring or eyeshadow to create a wide range of colours. For a more opaque colour, use eyeshadow. For a sheer colour, use food colouring. You can also mix different colours together to create a custom shade.

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Step 3: Crush the eyeshadow or mix food colouring

If you are using eyeshadow, use a toothpick or skewer to crush it into a fine powder. If you are using food colouring, simply mix the colour into the clear nail polish. Start with a small amount of colour and add more as needed. Remember, a little goes a long way with food colouring.


Step 4: Add glitter (optional)

If you want to add glitter to your nail polish, now is the time to do so. You can use any type of glitter you have on hand. Mix the glitter into the clear nail polish and color mixture. Again, start with a small amount of glitter and add more as needed.


Step 5: Mix the DIY nail polish

Use a small funnel to pour the nail polish mixture into the clear nail polish bottle. If you don’t have a funnel, you can use a piece of paper rolled into a funnel shape. Use a toothpick or skewer to stir the mixture well, making sure all the ingredients are thoroughly combined.

Diy nail polish image 1


Step 6: Test the DIY nail polish

Once you have mixed the nail polish, it’s time to test it out. Apply a small amount to one nail and let it dry. If you are happy with the colour and consistency, you’re done! If not, you can add more colour, glitter, or clear nail polish to adjust the formula.

Tips and Tricks:

  • If you want a more matte finish, add a small amount of cornstarch or flour to the nail polish mixture.
  • If you want a faster-drying nail polish, add a small amount of rubbing alcohol or vodka to the mixture.
  • If you don’t have clear nail polish, you can use a clear topcoat instead.
  • Be sure to clean up any spills or messes with paper towels before they dry, as they can be difficult to remove once dry.
  • If you are having trouble getting the consistency just right, try using a small dropper to add the colour or glitter to the clear nail polish instead of mixing it directly in the bottle.
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In conclusion, making your own nail polish at home is a fun and easy way to create custom colours that are unique to you. With just a few household items, you can make a wide range of colors and finishes. Experiment with different colours and glitter to create your perfect shade, and don’t be afraid to mix and match different ingredients to find the formula that works best for you.


Clear DIY Nail Polish Alternatives:

If you’re also looking for an alternative to traditional clear nail polish, making a clear nail polish substitute at home is a great option. With just a few simple ingredients, you can create a natural, non-toxic polish that will leave your nails looking shiny and healthy. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to make a clear nail polish substitute:

Materials Needed:

  • 1 tablespoon of beeswax pellets
  • 1 tablespoon of shea butter
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 5-6 drops of essential oil (optional)
  • Small glass jar or container with lid
  • Double boiler or a small pot and a heat-resistant bowl
  • Measuring spoon
  • Stirring utensil

Step 1: Melt the DIY nail polish ingredients

In a double boiler or a small pot and a heat-resistant bowl, melt the beeswax, shea butter, and coconut oil over low heat, stirring occasionally. If you don’t have a double boiler, you can create one by filling a small pot with water and placing a heat-resistant bowl on top. Make sure the water doesn’t touch the bottom of the bowl.

Step 2: Add essential oil (optional)

Once the ingredients have melted, remove the mixture from heat and add 5-6 drops of your favorite essential oil. This step is optional, but essential oils can add a nice scent and provide added benefits for your nails.

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Step 3: Mix well

Using a stirring utensil, mix the ingredients well until they are fully combined. The mixture should be smooth and creamy.

Step 4: Pour into a container

Carefully pour the mixture into a small glass jar or container with a lid. Make sure the container is clean and dry before pouring the mixture in.

Step 5: Let it cool

Allow the mixture to cool and solidify at room temperature. This should take about 15-20 minutes. Once the mixture has hardened, it will be a solid cream or balm.

Step 6: Apply the substitute

To use the clear nail polish substitute, simply scoop a small amount of the mixture onto your finger and massage it onto your nails. You can apply it just like regular nail polish, and it will leave your nails looking shiny and healthy.

Tips and Tricks:

  • If you want a more glossy finish, add a few drops of vitamin E oil to the mixture.
  • If the mixture is too thick, add more coconut oil. If it’s too thin, add more beeswax.
  • Be sure to store the clear nail polish substitute in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

A Few Final Words

In conclusion, making a clear nail polish substitute at home is a great way to avoid the chemicals and toxins found in traditional nail polish. With just a few simple ingredients, you can create a natural, non-toxic polish that will leave your nails looking shiny and healthy.

Experiment with different essential oils to find the scent that’s right for you, and adjust the consistency to your liking. Once you try this alternative, you may never go back to traditional nail polish again!

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