What makes a nail tech mad 😑

#1 Nail Technicians What Makes A Nail Tech MAD 😑

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10 Things That Make Nail Technicians Mad

Nail technicians can have a very rewarding career. You get to make people feel good by giving them beautiful nails and helping them express their personal style. However, there are definitely some things clients do that can really frustrate a nail tech. Here are 10 things that are guaranteed to make a nail tech mad:

Nail technicians service guide image 1

  1. Late clients – When a client shows up late to their appointment, it throws off the entire schedule for the day. Nail techs have a limited amount of time to see each client so being late means someone else may have to wait or get their time cut short.
  2. Fidgeting clients – Getting nails done requires sitting still for an extended period of time. Clients who constantly fidget, tap their feet, or play on their phones makes it extremely difficult for the nail technicians to do their job properly.
  3. Dirty nails – Before coming in for a manicure or pedicure, clients need to wash and trim their nails. Nail techs hate having to spend extra time cleaning underneath dirty nails before starting the service.
  4. Unreasonable requests – A few minutes before their appointment ends, don’t ask for a complete design change or extra services that require a lot more time. Nail technicians have limited time with each client.
  5. Rude behavior – No one wants to serve rude clients who are disrespectful, bossy or act entitled. Kindness and manners go a long way.
  6. Not listening to advice – Nail technicians give customers advice on healthy nails for a reason. Following their professional recommendations helps avoid issues down the road.
  7. Messy eaters – Wait to eat or drink something messy until after your manicure or pedicure is done. No one wants to clean up food spills during a service.
  8. Complaining about prices – All nail salons have clearly posted price lists. Don’t complain about costs you agreed to pay when booking your appointment.
  9. No tipping – Tipping your nail tech is standard practice to show appreciation for their skills and hard work. Stiffing on a tip is discouraged.
  10. Damaging new nails – Please be careful not to bang, pick or damage freshly done nails right after leaving the salon. The nail tech worked hard on your new look!
See also  Day in the life of a nail tech πŸ’… ||VLOG

Hopefully this gives clients some insight into things that really frustrate hardworking nail technicians. Small courtesies go a long way in keeping them happy! –beauty-tips.co.uk

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