Top takes for beauticians near me: budget 2023

Top Takes for Budget Beauticians 2023

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Budget Beauticians 2023: A Guide

What are budget beauticians and why do budget beauticians earn more?

Budget beauticians are beauticians that aren’t cheap, but are always looking for best value and stay abreast of the latest developments in both their local area and the economy in general, taking advantage of new tax loopholes and incentives to keep their beauty brand in front of the competition. Are you a proud budget beautician? Beauticians near me have always been savvy when it comes to their offerings, perhaps its time for you to be more savvy too.

For our army of budget beauticians the UK budget of 2023 has arrived, and with it comes news of changes that could affect many businesses across the country. One group of entrepreneurs who may be particularly interested in the implications of this year’s budget are newly qualified beauticians and beauty and holistic therapists looking to open a salon in the near future. So, what does this budget mean for them? Let’s take a closer look.

Budget beauticians 2023

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The Outlook for Budget Beauticians: 2023


To start with, it’s worth noting that the budget contains several measures aimed at boosting small businesses, including those in the beauty industry. For example, the government has announced plans to retain the reduction in business rates for small retailers of 50%, which could help salon owners save money on their overheads. 

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Additionally, there are plans to invest in high streets and town centres, which could attract more footfall and therefore more customers to local businesses.

Of course, the big news in this year’s budget is the extension of childcare support for 1 and 2 year olds. 


How might the introduction of free childcare for children over 9 months old affect beauticians?


The introduction of free childcare for children over 9 months old could potentially have both positive and negative effects on beauticians and other entrepreneurs in the beauty industry.

On the positive side, free childcare could make it easier for budget beauticians who are also parents to balance their work and family responsibilities. If childcare costs are a significant burden for these individuals, the availability of free childcare could allow them to work more flexible hours, take on more clients, and grow their businesses more quickly.

Additionally, the introduction of free childcare could potentially increase the overall demand for beauty services. If more parents are able to access affordable childcare, they may have more disposable income to spend on treatments like facials, massages, and other beauty therapies. 

This could lead to an increase in the number of clients seeking beauty services, and therefore create more business opportunities for beauticians.

On the negative side, however, there could be some challenges associated with the introduction of free childcare. For example, if there is a sudden increase in the number of beauty businesses as a result of the availability of free childcare, this could create more competition in the market. 

Additionally, the staggered nature of the changes hardly helps people struggling with ever increasing childcare costs today, with the full measure not in place until 2025 at the earliest.

Beauticians who are just starting out or who are operating in a saturated market may find it harder to attract and retain clients, and may need to be more strategic in their marketing and pricing strategies.

Another potential challenge is that the availability of free childcare could increase the demand for beauty services during peak hours. If there are more parents who are able to work during traditional business hours, this could lead to a concentration of demand for beauty services during certain times of the day. 

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Budget beauticians who are not able to accommodate this demand may struggle to attract clients or may need to find creative solutions to manage their schedules.

Of course, there are also other challenges facing newly qualified beauticians and beauty and holistic therapists who are looking to open a salon in the UK. One of the biggest obstacles is the high cost of rent and property prices, which can make it difficult to find a suitable location for a new business. 

However, there are some steps that entrepreneurs can take to mitigate these costs, such as sharing a space with other businesses or starting out as a mobile therapist before investing in a permanent location.

Ultimately the UK budget of 2023 contains both opportunities and challenges for newly qualified beauticians and beauty and holistic therapists looking to open a salon in the near future. 

While the freezing of higher rate thresholds and other factors such as temperamental energy and fuel prices could reduce disposable income and reduce demand for services, increased childcare coverage could also cause spikes in demand. 

Although some beauticians may have some concerns, there are still ways to attract customers and differentiate oneself from competitors in this competitive climate, for example by offering affordable options, natural and organic products, and virtual consultations and treatments.

It’s also generally good advice for beauty entrepreneurs to always stay informed about trends and changes in the industry, as well as to network with other professionals and seek out mentorship and support. 

That in mind, there are a number of organisations and resources available to beauty and holistic therapists in the UK, including the British Association of Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology (BABTAC) and the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT), which offer training, accreditation, and networking opportunities, or the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM).

In addition, entrepreneurs in the beauty industry may want to consider the importance of social media and online marketing in attracting and retaining customers. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok can be powerful tools for showcasing one’s skills and building a following, while email marketing and targeted advertising can help reach a wider audience.

See also  Beauty Trends 2023: How to Profit from Them as a Newly Qualified Beautician

“Why not try sky’s free budget calculator to see if you are better or worse off post budget March 2023” – The Beauty Tips Team

What About Other Tax Increases for Budget Beauticians in 2023:


Taking the business climate as a whole, predicted increases in council tax over around 5% could increase the operating costs for beauticians who operate their business from a commercial premises, particularly if the premises are in a higher council tax band. 

This could lead to increased expenses for newly qualified beauticians who are just starting out, and may make it harder for them to compete with more established businesses. 

Checkout these reactions to the budget 2023

Additionally, if consumers are also feeling the impact of the council tax increase, they may have less disposable income to spend on beauty services, which could lead to a decrease in demand for these services.

Ultimately, the success of any beauty business and any self described ‘budget beauticians’ will depend on a combination of factors, including the quality of the services provided, the level of customer service, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. 

While the UK budget of 2023 may bring some uncertainty and challenges to the beauty industry, there are also opportunities for entrepreneurs who are willing to be creative, innovative, and persistent in pursuing their goals.

Remember, even in these cost of living crises times the following holds true for all our ‘budget beauticians’ out there;

“Beauticians are more than just professionals who make us look and feel good. They have the ability to enhance our confidence, boost our mood, and provide a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation. They are artists who use their skills and creativity to help us express our inner beauty on the outside.” – The Beauty Tips Team

“Stay true to your dreams, be bold and be brilliant, you do you!” – The Beauty Tips Team


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